Ajinkya Electronic Systems manufactures Temperature Loggers. Ajinkya Electronic Systems is an ISO 9001 registered organisation that offers Microprocessor Based Systems for Industrial Controls. The Temperature Loggers of IM 2000 Series is Multi-channel Data Logger as well as single channel data logger range covers Data Loggers for Industrial Applications. The Loggers are available in DIN Standard sizes of 96 X 96 / 96 X 192 mm ideally suited for Logging physical parameters suitable to be used as Temperature data logger / Temperature Logger / Thermocouple logger / RTD Data logger; Pressure Data Logger; Flow Logger / Flow Data Logger; Humidity Logger / Temperature Humidity Data logger; Universal Data Logger; and Voltage Logger.
The Temperature Loggers can be directly connected to a Standard PC printer to generate reports directly also, avoiding use of PC. This Logger can work on line as well as off line as well as is available with PC Based Graphic Data Logging software DLOG making it an ideal Data Acquisition System. This data logging equipment is an ideal replacement for old paper Data recorders.
The logger is compatible with Elipse Windows SCADA Software as well as most of the other popular SCADA Softwares. A new product FAULT RECORDER / Event Logger is available for logging of machine on / off timings. Various types of port outputs are available for logger to be used as Serial Data logger, RS232 data logger, Ethernet data logger/ USB Data Logger / Wireless Data Logger. Depending on number of channels used, these loggers are also known as 4 channel data logger, 8 channel data logger etc.